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​What is communication?


The ability to communicate is extremely important in order to function in society, develop relationships, and to see that needs and wants are addressed. Stremel defines communication as the exchange of a message between two or more individuals (Downing, Hanreddy and Peckham-Hardin, 2015 p 2). Communication has three components: Form, Content and Purpose. Content and purpose can be summarized as something to say and a reason for saying it. Form, the way the message is conveyed, is the topic we are addressing on this website (Downing et al. 2015). Individuals who are unable to communicate, clearly or at all, are likely to benefit from AAC devices or method as their form of communication.  

​What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is defined as all communication other than communication made verbally or by writing (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, n.d.).  AAC is divided into two categories: Unaided and Aided. ACC allows otherwise communicational hindered individuals to communicate their wants, needs and to socialize with their peers. Can you imagine not being able to communicate with your coworkers? It would be infuriating!  AAC helps individuals unable to speak a voice. Sevcik and Romski state research has shown improvement in children's speech and language skills after using AAC as part of their speech therapy (2016). A meta-analysis conducted by Walker and Snell found that introduction of AAC de creased challenging behavior in students with various disabilities (2013). Every person deserves a voice.  


Further explanations and examples can be found on this site under the Devices and Methods Tab. 


The Power of Communication

The ability to communicate, send a message to another, is extreamly important.  A large part of your personality is how you interact-communicate- with others. Communicating gives you a sence power over yourself and your enviorment. We need to empower others by helping them find a voice.

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